Rolling, Rolling, Rolling on the river...

Friday, January 6, 2012

Cure for the Common Virus

Fly Fishing Virus
Jimmy Moore

There is a new virus -- code name is "work." If you receive "work"  from your colleagues, your boss, via e-mail or any one else, do not touch "work" under any circumstances. This virus wipes out your private life completely.  If you should happen to come in contact with this virus follow these steps:

1. Put on your fly fishing vest and take a good friend and go straight to  the nearest stream.

2. About the 5th cast you will find  that "work" has been completely deleted from your brain.

3. After leaving the stream, stop by your favorite fly shop and talk fly fishing.  This will further erase "work" from your mind.

4.  Go to your favorite pub/bar and imbibe a little, while talking fly fishing.  Work" will now be completely gone from your mind.

5.  Tomorrow, instead of going to "work" go fishing.  Your boss will understand.  The hell he/she will !

6.  If you get fired, you might have to fish to put food on the table.

 So . . . . . it's off to "work" we go until retirement.  "working" ain't fun, but it's necessary.

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